thumbsTopMargin: 3, // the distance that separates the thumbnails and the buttons from the main images
thumbsRightMargin: 3, // the distance of each thumnail respect to the next one
thumbsBorderWidth: 3, // the border width of each thumbnail. Note that the border in reality is above, not around
buttonsWidth: 20, // the width of the prev/next buttons that commands the thumbnails
galBorderColor: "#ff0000", // the border color around the main images
thumbsBorderColor: "#d8d8d8", // the border color of the thumbnails but not the current one
thumbsActiveBorderColor: "#ff0000", // the border color of the current thumbnail
buttonsTextColor: "#ff0000", //the color of the optional text in leftButtonInner/rightButtonInner
thumbsBorderOpacity: 1.0, // could be 0, 0.1 up to 1.0
thumbsActiveBorderOpacity: 1.0, // could be 0, 0.1 up to 1.0
easeTime: 750, // the time it takes a slide to move to its position
asTimer: 4000, // if autoslide is true, this is the interval between each slide
thumbs: 5, // the number of visible thumbnails
thumbsPercentReduction: 12, // the percentual reduction of the thumbnails in relation to the original
thumbsVis: true, // with this option set to false, the whole UI (thumbs and buttons) are not visible
leftButtonInner: "-", //could be an image "<img src='images/larw.gif' />" or an escaped char as "&larr";
rightButtonInner: "+", //could be an image or an escaped char as "&rarr";
autoslide: false, // by default the slider do not slides automatically. When set to true REQUIRES the jquery.timers plugin
typo: false, // the typographic info of each slide. When set to true, the ALT tag content is displayed
typoFullOpacity: 0.9, // the opacity for typographic info. 1 means fully visible.
shuffle: false // the LI items can be shuffled (randomly mixed) when shuffle is true